Yoel K
Oct 4, 2021


In code, I see the path of my existence. A journey of trial and error, my life thus far has largely been analogous to the experimental nature of code. As a child, I watched my older brother, my role-model, my only father-figure, become a successful neurosurgeon and building an incredible life for himself and his family. What I see in my brother is a successful code, debugged and ran. I aspire to mold myself after his values of dedication and integrity, and make an impact on the world through my strengths. As a dark skinned male from a country unaccepting of my ideologies, I have sought inclusion in a country where I feel celebrated and welcomed in an unparalleled manner. That soon changed… here is to EDUCATING THE UNEDUCATED.

Stay tuned to unravel my journey to where I am now…



Yoel K

Educating the Uneducated | The series of struggle and uphill battle to gain supremacy